BWPO QIP Core Measure: Suicide Prevention Training


In order to receive credit for this activity, you will need to complete The Stepping Strong Injury Prevention Program and attest to participating in the training. The Stepping Strong Injury Prevention Program is offering free, practical, evidence-based suicide prevention training sessions to Brigham and Women’s Hospital staff. The goal with this educational offering is to raise awareness about suicide prevention—a particularly timely topic due to the negative impacts of the pandemic, workforce burnout, and racial injustice.

QPR” stand for Question, Persuade, Refer: a concrete set of strategies to approach someone who is showing suicide warning signs. As a QPR-trained gatekeeper, training participants will learn how to recognize the warning signs of suicide, know how to offer hope, and know how to get help and save a life. Please press the "Take Course" button to review the training options and complete the attestation form.


If you have any questions on this activity, please reach out to: Cheryl Lang (

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