MGPO Quality Incentive Program: MGB Transformation

Physicians/clinicians will review information about our journey to become an integrated healthcare system, reflect on the value of our transformation, and consider a specific action based on reviewed materials. It is one of the measures for the Quality Incentive Program for both BWH and MGH physicians. All responses will be reviewed and shared anonymously with leaders from MGH, MGPO, and MGB for further discussion and collaboration support. Please press the "Take Course" button to begin this training. 

Learning Objectives

Provide physicians/clinicians with a clear overview of ​the MGB transformation to become an integrated healthcare system. Invite participants to share ideas, consider an action they might take based on reviewed materials and discuss with their teams cross-system collaboration.

Additional Information

Provided by: 

MGB Transformation Team

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 



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