New England Neonatal Neuromonitoring and Neuroimaging Workshop 2019
The New England Neuromonitoring and Neuroimaging Workshop will educate medical providers about the interpretation and clinical application of neonatal aEEG, NIRS, HUS, and MRI technologies.
In addition to didactic presentations, this workshop will provide small group case discussions for different areas of neonatal neuroimaging and neuromonitoring.
Target Audience
This activity is intended for Neonatal Intensive Care Physicians (Neonatologists and Neurologists), Fellows, Nurses and Allied Health.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
1. Identify how aEEG tracing is processed, and the difference between aEEG and cEEG
2. Interpret and score aEEG tracing
3. Describe the variable clinical applications of aEEG in preterm and term neonates
4. Identify the applications of NIRS in the NICU
5. Review the practical steps of applying the aEEG electrodes
6. Assess the indications and limitations of neonatal neuroimaging
7. Interpret basic neonatal HUS and MRI findings
8. Recognize the variable clinical applications of head ultrasound and brain MRI in preterm and term neonates
Additional Information
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Pediatric Newborn Medicine
Partners HealthCare System
Terrie Inder, MBChB, MD
Course Co-director
Chair, Department of Pediatric Newborn Medicine,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Mary Ellen Avery Professor of Pediatrics in the Field of Newborn Medicine,
Harvard Medical School
Terrie Inder, MBChB, MD, is the first appointed chair of the newly transitioned Department of Pediatric Newborn Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. As a dual boarded child neurologist and neonatologist, her major discoveries have been in clinical and translational research into the nature and timing of brain injury in preterm and high-risk term born infants.
Dr. Inder, a native New Zealander, received her education and training at the University of Otago, Dunedin, where she also completed her residency in Pediatrics and fellowship in Newborn Medicine. She then went on to complete a fellowship in Pediatric Neurology at Boston Children's Hospital. Her first faculty appointment was at the University of Melbourne, Royal Children’s Hospital in 2001 before moving to St Louis Children’s Hospital at Washington University in St Louis as a Professor in 2005. She has been recognized for her skills in leadership as Director of the Washington University Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center. Her greatest passion is in the mentorship of young faculty.
Mohamed El-Dib, MD
Course Co-Director
Director of Neonatal Neurocritical Care, Department of Pediatric Newborn Medicine,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Mohamed El-Dib, MD is the Director of Neonatal Neurocritical Care Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. He is a neonatologist with additional training in neonatal neurology. The BWH Neonatal Neurocritical program is a multidisciplinary group of specialty trained nurses, neurologists, neuroradiologists and developmental specialists. This group has established guidelines and protocols aiming at providing standardized, focused and integrated care for babies with or at risk for brain abnormality or injury. The Brigham and Women’s new state of the art NICU provides comprehensive care for neonates with neonatal encephalopathy including therapeutic hypothermia, neuromonitoring and neuroimaging.
Dr. El-Dib has numerous publications in the field of neonatal neurology. He has focused his research on neonatal neuromonitoring and neuroprotection. In neuromonitoring, he has used amplitude integrated EEG (aEEG) to evaluate brain maturation in premature infants and as a tool to evaluate for brain injury in neonatal encephalopathy. Dr. El-Dib has also has been investigating the use of near infra-red spectroscopy (NIRS) to assess cerebral circulation, oxygenation and oxygen metabolism in these population. Regarding neuroprotection, he has been a co-investigator in multiple studies on various neuroprotective agents including ascorbic acid, ibuprofen, melatonin and more recently autologous cord blood.
Sara Bates, MD
Attending Neonatologist, Director of Clinical and Translational Research
Division of Newborn Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital
Instructor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Sara Bates, MD attended the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and completed her pediatric residency at MGH. After completing the Harvard Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Program, she joined the MGH Division of Newborn Medicine and Neonatology. Bates’ career in neuroscience began at Boston Children’s Hospital under the mentorship of Dr. Beth Stevens, with whom she studied the role of complement proteins and synaptic refinement in several HIE/seizure animal models. More recently, Bates has been developing brain atlases and clinical databases of normal newborn brain development and perinatal brain injuries with Drs. P. Ellen Grant and Randy Gollub. She serves as the Director of Clinical and Translational Research within the Division of Newborn Medicine and Neonatology at MGHfC and is the PI for the following NIH-funded study, “Maternal Infant NeuroDevelopment Study.” She has lectured on the topics of neuroimaging, injury detection, management of perinatal brain injuries, perinatal exposures/influences, and emerging cell-based therapies. She is also the founding director of the Infant Brain Center at MGHfC (http://www.massgeneral.org/infant-brain-center/).
Carol Benson, MD
Director of Ultrasound, Department of Radiology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Professor of Radiology
Harvard Medical School
Carol B. Benson, MD is Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Division of Ultrasound, Co-Director of High-Risk Obstetrical Ultrasound, and the Radiology Director for the Vascular Laboratory at Brigham and Women's Hospital. She is a radiologist who specializes in ultrasound. Her clinical and research work spans topics in diagnostic ultrasound and Doppler, with special focus on obstetrical and gynecologic ultrasound, fetal interventions, and neonatal ultrasound. She is active in national radiology and ultrasound societies, having served and chaired numerous committees for these societies. She is an elected fellow in the American College of Radiology, the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound, and the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.
Julie Cadogan, RNC-NIC
Professional Development Manager, Newborn Intensive Care Unit
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Julie Cadogan, RNC-NIC, is a registered nurse in the NICU at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Currently, she is the Professional Development Manager a role in which she advocates for evidence-based practice, implements staff initiatives, and promotes nursing excellence at the bedside. Previously, she was a level III neonatal intensive care nurse for twelve years. Julie has been a member of BWH’s Neonatal Neurocritical Care Nurses (NNCCN) since its inception. She leads the creation of simulations and workflows for the implementation of the Aspect Embrace MRI, in the NICU at BWH. As part of the NNCCN team, she works to expand membership and to enhance knowledge to support infants and their families who require specialized neurocritical care during their NICU stay.
Kristin Chatelain, RN, BSN
Nurse in Charge, Newborn Intensive Care Unit
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Kristin Chatelain is a Registered Nurse and Nurse in Charge at Brigham and Women's Hospital in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit. Kristin began her career as a neonatal RN at South Miami Hospital in 2008 and joined the NICU team at Brigham and Women's Hospital in 2012. Kristin joined the Neonatal Neurological Critical Care Nursing team in 2017, has advanced training in aEEG lead application and strip interpretation, and assists with nursing education pertaining to aEEG monitor use and rhythm detection. Currently, Kristin is working on a quality improvement project aimed at exploring strategies that will produce higher quality aEEG images for infants who are being evaluated for Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy.
Linda de Vries, MD
Professor in Neonatal Neurology
Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital
University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Linda de Vries, MD received her degree from the Medical School in Groningen, completed a Pediatric residency at the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital in Utrecht, The Netherlands carried out a research fellowship at the Hammersmith Hospital in London, United Kingdom. Subsequently she also trained as a Pediatric Neurologist in Leuven, Belgium. Since 1989, she has worked in the department of Neonatology in Utrecht since 1989, where she is an Em. Professor in Neonatal Neurology.
Her research focuses on prediction of neurodevelopmental outcome in high risk preterm and full-term newborns, using neurophysiology and neuro-imaging methods. These at-risk children are also seen by her in the follow-up clinic. She has a special interest in post-hemorrhagic ventricular dilation, neonatal stroke and brain plasticity.
P. Ellen Grant, MD
Director of Fetal and Neonatal Neuroimaging Research
Boston Children’s Hospital Endowed Chair in Neonatology
Boston Children’s Hospital
Professor of Radiology, Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
P. Ellen Grant, MD is the Founding Director of the Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging and Developmental Science Center at Boston Children’s Hospital. She holds a Master of Science degree in physics and an MD from the University of Toronto. She did her radiology residency at Vancouver General Hospital in British Columbia, Canada, and her fellowship in adult and Pediatric Neuroradiology at the University of California, San Francisco. She is now Professor of Radiology and Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Grant headed the Division of Pediatric Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital for five years before moving to Boston Children's Hospital to become the founding director of the Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging and Developmental Science Center and the first incumbent of Boston Children's Hospital Chair in Neonatology. The FNNDSC was started in 2009 and is focused on developing and optimizing tools and analysis streams for better understanding normal and abnormal brain development with the goal of improving cognitive and neurological outcomes. The three modalities involved in the center are Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). At Children's she holds appointments in the Division of Newborn Medicine and the Department of Radiology, and she is a Professor of Radiology through Harvard Medical School. She is also a co-author of two popular textbooks for clinical neuroradiology and has won a number of awards for her research efforts as well as recognition for her clinical excellence.
Debra Marks, NP
Clinical Educator, Newborn Intensive Care Unit
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Debra Marks is a registered nurse and one of the Clinical Nurse Educators in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She is also a certified pediatric nurse practitioner with a special interest in the neurodevelopment of preterm infants. The BWH NICU Nursing team is working on ways in which nurses can provide neuro supportive and protective care that results in improved neurodevelopmental outcomes to the infants admitted to our unit.
Lillian O'Leary, RN
Staff Nurse, Newborn Intensive Care Unit
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Lillian joined the Brigham & Women’s nursing team in September 2000. She enjoys being a staff nurse in The Newborn Intensive Care Unit where priorities are placed on primary nursing and family focused care. Lillian is a valuable mentor for new staff both nurses and physicians alike. Her teaching skills and team commitment have been officially recognized by Partners in Excellence and Massachusetts General Hospital’s Pediatric Residency Program. She recently certified as a Neonatal Resuscitation Program instructor. In addition to direct patient care, Lillian has been an active team member of the Center for Women & Newborn’s Palliative Care Group. She has also served on the BWH Hospital Ethics committee over a three-year period. As a member of the Neonatal Neurocritical Care Nurse team, she is optimist about obtaining national certification for this valuable role.
Outside of her work duties, Lillian volunteers as a parent liaison at Boston Children’s hospital where she is an active member of the Pulmonary Cystic Fibrosis Program’s National Quality Improvement Group – The CF Learning Network.
Silvia Patrizi, MD
Attending Neonatologist, Department of Pediatric Newborn Medicine
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Instructor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Dr. Patrizi provides newborn care in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and in the Special Care Nursery (SCN) at Newton-Wellesley Hospital. Dr. Patrizi attends high-risk deliveries at both institutions, provides antenatal consultations to families with risk of preterm delivery, maternal conditions affecting the fetus and the newborn and fetal anomalies. Dr. Patrizi’s interests are neonatal neurophysiology and neonatal neuroprotection. She is a member of the neurocritical care team. Dr. Patrizi is an Instructor in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.
Arnold J. Sansevere, MD
Neurologist, Department of Neurology
Boston Children’s Hospital
Instructor in Neurology
Harvard Medical School
Arnold J. Sansevere, MD received his medical degree from Drexel University College of medicine. He completed a pediatric residency at Schneider’s Children’s Hospital in New Hyde Park, NY. He went on to complete his child neurology residency and epilepsy fellowship at Boston Children’s Hospital. His main interests are in continuous EEG monitoring in the neonatal and pediatric intensive care unit as well as medical education.
Dr. Sansevere is an active member of the Department of Neurology /Division of Epilepsy at Boston Children’s Hospital. Within the field of continuous EEG monitoring his main focus has been on seizure prediction and the impact of seizure burden on outcome. In addition, his area of research interest includes the role of EEG background as a predictor of seizure and outcome.
Dr. Sansevere is active in medical education as the Child Neurology Clerkship Director where his focus is on innovative adult learning strategies and teaching techniques to improve the education of medical students learning child neurology.
Brian Walsh, MBBS
Consultant Neonatologist
Cork University Maternity Hospital, Cork, Ireland
Brian Walsh, MB, BCh, PhD is a neonatologist at Cork University Maternity Hospital Cork, Ireland with a clinical and research interest in neuro-monitoring and neuro-protection. His initial training in neonatology was in Ireland, where he underwent several years of post-graduated NICU training, before enrolling in the Harvard Perinatal-Neonatal Fellowship Program. During his training, he was awarded a Clinician Scientist Fellowship by Molecular Medicine Ireland and was awarded a PhD for his thesis “Early biomarkers to predict grade of encephalopathy following hypoxic ischaemic injury” which focused on novel methods to detect injury immediately following oxygen deprivation during delivery. His thesis resulted in numerous publications, additional grants and collaborative research as we attempted to validate the promising biomarkers he discovered. After working as an attending neonatologist at Brigham and Women, he was recruited to work at Cork University Maternity Hospital which he joined in 2017.
Dr. Walsh has numerous publications and presentations in the field of neonatal neurology. His research has focused on neuroimaging in hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, neuro-protective strategies, standardized neurological examinations, aEEG, continuous multi-channel EEG, and blood biomarkers.
Edward Yang, MD, PhD
Attending Radiologist, Director of Neuro MR
Boston Children’s Hospital
Instructor of Radiology
Harvard Medical School
Edward Yang, MD, PhD obtained a B.S. in Chemistry from Stanford University in 1996. He subsequently enrolled in the Medical Scientist Training Program at the Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan-Kettering Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program in New York, obtaining a Ph.D. in Molecular Cell Biology from Rockefeller University in 2003 and a M.D. from Cornell University in 2004. After completing a medical internship at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in 2005, he completed a residency in Diagnostic Radiology (2009) and a fellowship in Neuroradiology (2010) at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Following an additional fellowship in Pediatric Neuroradiology at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, he served as Assistant Professor and Director of Pediatric Neuroradiology, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, IL. He has been an Attending Neuroradiologist at Boston Children’s Hospital since 2013. He has a special interest in genetic conditions affecting the central nervous system and congenital brain malformations.
Partners HealthCare System is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Partners HealthCare System designates this live activity for a maximum of 16 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
MOC (Part 2)
Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the activity, with individual assessments of the participant and feedback to the participant, enables the participant to earn 15 MOC points in the American Board of Pediatrics’ (ABP) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABP MOC credit.
Nursing Accreditation
Brigham and Women’s Hospital is an Approved Provider of continuing nursing education by the Northeast Multistate Division, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This program will award 8.5 nursing continuing education contact hours for Day 1, and 8.5 nursing continuing education contact hours for Day 2.
Available Credit
- 16.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 16.00 Participation
Register/Take course
Registration Fees | 1 Day | 2 Days |
Physicians, PhDs & Scientists | $200 | $300 |
Residents, Fellows, Other Health Care Professionals | $150 | $250 |
Cancellation Policy:
Registrations cancelled on or before September 26, 2019 for 1 Day will be refunded, less a $25 administrative fee. Registrations cancelled after September 26th will not be refunded.
Registrations cancelled on or before September 26, 2019 for 2 Days will be refunded, less a $40 administrative fee. Registrations cancelled after September 26th will not be refunded.
Contact partnerscpd@partners.org or call 857-282-2514 if you require assistance in cancelling your online registration.
Required Hardware/software
The EthosCE standard install will support the two most recent stable releases of the following browsers for all public pages, both authenticated users and anonymous: Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox. EthosCE supports these browsers by default. Other browsers may work also; however, non-listed browsers are not officially supported.