Optimizing the Learning Environment​

PLEASE NOTE: This course is only open to Transition to Practice Program residents.

This course is part of the Transition to Practice Program. This course contains four modules on teaming in the learning environment, gaining influence through enhancing communication, exploring growth mindset and the learning environment, and leadership principles for junior members of the interprofessional team.

Release Date:
May 2023

Expiration Date:
May 2026

Estimated Duration of Course:
1 hour

This offering carries a certificate of completion. No contact hours will be awarded at this time.

Target Audience

Transition to Practice Program Residents

Learning Objectives

  • Summarize elements of effective teamwork​

  • Identify approaches to support new members of the inter-professional team​

  • Explain the value of advocacy/inquiry model​

  • Describe the growth mindset

Additional Information

Provided by: 

The Norman Knight Nursing Center

Please visit our website at https://www.mghpcs.org/KNCPD/default.shtml

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Lori Berkowitz, MD, MBA

Planning Committee, Presenter 

Jen Curran, DNP, RN, NPD-BC

Planning Committee, Presenter

Katelin Gow McDilda, MD, MPH

Planning Committee, Presenter 

Michael G. Healy, EdD

Planning Committee, Presenter

Rebecca D. Minehart, MD

Planning Committee, Presenter

This offering carries a certificate of completion. No contact hours will be awarded at this time. 


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