APP Update on Infectious Disease in Hematological Malignancy
The class will consist of a video with a lecture by content experts Sam Luk, PharmD and Jessie Signorelli, PharmD. Areas of discussion include factors that place leukemia and BMT patients at risk for infections, common infections in these populations, why different prophylactic regimens are utilized, empiric antibiotic coverage, and escalation/de-escalation of antibiotic regimens.
Release Date:
March 2022
Expiration Date:
March 2025
Estimated Duration of Course:
1 hour
This offering carries a certificate of completion. This course does not offer contact hours at this time.
Target Audience
Open to all nurses, though content will be geared towards advanced practice providers.
Learning Objectives
- Describe three risk factors for infections in immunocompromised hosts.
- Discuss treatment options for three common infections in leukemia and bone marrow transplant patients.
- Describe two clinical factors that affect decisions to escalate or de-escalate antibiotic therapy.
Additional Information
The Norman Knight Nursing Center
Please visit our website at
Jessie Signorelli, PharmD
Sam Luk, PharmD
Nurse Planner
Pamela Quinn, MSN, RN, NPD-BC
Content Expert
Kelley Grealish, NP
Planning Committee
Ashleigh Guthrie, NP
This offering carries a certificate of completion. No contact hours will be awarded at this time.