This bystander education course will provide employees with an understanding of how interpersonal racism continues to support and maintain systemic racism. Through scenario-based learning, participants will develop skills for recognizing racial bias and confronting discrimination. An overview of related Human Resources policies and practices will be given to support employees in actively dismantling racism within Mass General Brigham.

Please discuss your thoughts here.


the scenarios were well done and truly showed how things could happen in the workplace

Mikayla Datri replied on

Very important video.

Eleanor Mackenzie replied on

Thank you

Gerard Doherty replied on

I thought that this course was more relatable to the one that we did in the past.  You could see how these situations (sadly) could happen in our or any institution.  I thought that the recommendations were manageable and actionable.  Overall, great course.

Meghan Meehan replied on

The course was thoughtful with the use of divergent scenarios to illustrate individual responces

Andrew Seger replied on

need to continue to recognize and correct microaggressions in real time.

Meena,N.P. Murthy replied on

The course was very informative on some ways how other's can be affected by institutional racism. I agree with other's comments that we should all be sure to take pause and consider how what we are going to say or do may impact others and if they treat the other with respect.

Jason Ciola replied on

Disturbing that the cases were all real. I can totally see this happening in our institution. I hope to be more of an upstander in the future (sometimes this feels hard to do as a small Latina woman)

Carolina Abuelo replied on

Examples were realistic to workplace

Lydia Depina replied on

good course, takes everyone being held accountable 

Briana Siciliano replied on

This changed my perspective. If you see something, say something.

Jacob Pelletier replied on

The videos are very helpful to see how everyone feels from different POV's and helps everyone have an understanding of where each individual is coming from and to respect them

Erin Kilban replied on

That class is great to every one that works in MGB except for hospital but also useful for people who do scientific work in MGB

Xueping Zhu replied on

great examples of how we can advocate for our colleagues

Jamie Sparling replied on

Great examples are used in this course. this are day to day situations that we are witnessing or living every day.  We need to make a difference if you see someone being abuse or discriminate act, say something 

Paula Martinez replied on

The videos were really well done. Kept me engaged the whole time to help me understand different people's perspectives in various scenarios.

Taylor Johnson replied on

This presentation was engaging and meaningful, but a little long.

Lauren Sherlock replied on

I thought the videos were very informative. Classes like this should be required more often.

Alyx Podgurski replied on

Very well done and thought provoking

Darin Dougherty replied on

When taking this course, I was not aware of the scenarios I was going to be presented. I have taken this course before; however, the scenarios were not as relatable and unsettling. I appreciate the diversity within the scenarios as I was able to understand each side more, especially co-workers mistaking a black woman expressing her concerns and standing up for herself as an "angry black woman". Sadly, this was the reality of what people go through within the healthcare system. There are many micro-aggressions and those who are not aware of how they present themselves or how their words affect others. At moments, I do worry that addressing racism, micro-aggressions, diversity, etc will be taken the wrong way by certain people (but I still find it necessary). This course was not so that everyone at every moment needs to think about someone's skin color and "stand up" for the experiences/situations others face. This course was for awareness, educating oneself, and adding a sense of empathy and openness. I have witness people taking topics such as this one too far and making matters even more uncomfortable and offensive. The intention was there, but the execution was poor. In order to reduce those moments, I hope others take this course seriously and apply when needed or when necessary. Do not focus all of your interactions based on what you've learned. You can use it as an open discussion while being respectful, if you have other questions or apply this to situations that occur around you. I do agree that these courses should be annual. Re-educating staff about these types of situations are vital to creating a comfortable and welcoming community on an institutional level which is reflected onto our patients. 

I will definitely answer any comments I receive and would love to have a conversation with anyone about this course. I also offer a listening ear for anyone who needs it! :)

Rayven Frierson replied on

The videos were very helpful and provided great insight on improving my the workplace.

Brooke Warren replied on

Course was extremely helpful on how to handle yourself in uncomfortable situaltions.

Linda Romano replied on

was extremely helpful information for difficult situations 

Linda Romano replied on

information was helpful on how to end racism in the workplace. Situations gave examples of multiple racist acts and ways to navigate to address the issues properly

Linda Romano replied on

I didn't previously appreciate the extra burden placed on multilingual staff.

Jacob,M.D.,Ph.D. Lazarus replied on

Important to continue to understand our own bias and look at situations from all views.

Nina Schussler replied on

<p>Very helpful and important information</p>

Sarah Chau replied on

liked the examples

Maryelizabeth Monahan replied on


Maryelizabeth Monahan replied on


Maryelizabeth Monahan replied on

be brave

Maryelizabeth Monahan replied on


Maryelizabeth Monahan replied on


Maryelizabeth Monahan replied on

I appreciate this course being provided. The scenarios used were realistic and relatable. 

Adrianna Williams replied on

everyone at every level of an institution must support courage culture and BIPOC are often not afforded this opportunity, often due to fear.

Teodolinda Pique replied on
