This bystander education course will provide employees with an understanding of how interpersonal racism continues to support and maintain systemic racism. Through scenario-based learning, participants will develop skills for recognizing racial bias and confronting discrimination. An overview of related Human Resources policies and practices will be given to support employees in actively dismantling racism within Mass General Brigham.

Please discuss your thoughts here.


Very well done.

Megan O'Connor replied on

I agree this training was very useful.

Kristen Buddenhagen replied on


Caitlyn Doyle replied on


Caitlyn Doyle replied on


Kimberly Gerber replied on


Kimberly Gerber replied on


Kimberly Gerber replied on


Kimberly Gerber replied on


Kimberly Gerber replied on

I took/viewed the content at work and I feel that it allowed my unit to not only see my reactions, but also comment on their own reactions to the content and experiences we have all had in healthcare. Being one of only a handful of people of color on our unit, I feel lucky that I have never experienced anything that these individuals have gone through. However, the experiences my co-workers have gone through, different races/genders/jobs have placed others in placed them in unique positions where lack of perceived power forced them to have uncomfortable experiences themselves. Being able to learn from each other is just as valuable as learning from the content given. 

Juventina Khalsa replied on

I thought that it was interesting that the book the manager read was White Fragility which is written by a White author vs a Black author. 

Megrette Fletcher replied on


Luis Lobon replied on

These sort of scenarios do occur all too often. Communication is important and vital to ensure a harmonious work environment. But it is important to have the right type of communication as well, without offending the other party. 

Sara Bator replied on


Laura Cavagnaro replied on


Laura Cavagnaro replied on


Laura Cavagnaro replied on

will discuss

Laura Cavagnaro replied on

These videos were very triggering as I've either witnessed or been a part of different scenarios very similar to some of the examples. I feel that if we could just see people as individuals and get past their race or ethnicity and gender, the world would be a better place. There's a lot of work that we need to do as a society but I do feel that this organization does a wonderful job of being inclusive.

Aja Borden replied on


Jamil Brittingham replied on


Jamil Brittingham replied on

It was helpful to explore the different choices given in the scenarios to better understand how those choices affect others.

Rachelle Gupta replied on

The format worked well.

Eileen Laband replied on

I Agree

Alondra Velez Pujols replied on

I Agree

Alondra Velez Pujols replied on


Alondra Velez Pujols replied on

no comment

Dorina Lindsay replied on

I agree

Rodrigo Rodrigues replied on

I agree

Rodrigo Rodrigues replied on

Great course and scenarios. Raising awareness in each of us is crucial and understanding unconscious bias.

Sujatha Ramadurai replied on

On target.

Cenk, Ayata replied on


Maria Martinez replied on


Maria Martinez replied on


Aaron Mann replied on


Aaron Mann replied on

yes, agree

Aaron Mann replied on

These educational videos were well designed to help the viewer gain the potential perspectives of multiple members of the healthcare team. I appreciate the interactive features and the ability to observe how varying responses to difficult situations might play out and affect the team dynamic. This teaching has increased my awareness of how my own communication and behaviors may affect others. I feel inspired to do more to be an ally for promoting diversity & inclusion and ending racism. 

Sarah Stracco replied on

This course was very well done in terms of content and presentation, with the exception of technical issues watching it on an iOS device. I had to try a second device in order to be able to view the entire screen.

David Becker replied on

Ending of racism is so important an aspect of changing the believe that somehow we humans are separated from each other based on superficial differences. A real galvanizing solution to the suffering we have in our lives right now is to reconnect to the ONE human essence that needs, loves, suffers and hope for the same.

Gloria Ciccone replied on
