This bystander education course will provide employees with an understanding of how interpersonal racism continues to support and maintain systemic racism. Through scenario-based learning, participants will develop skills for recognizing racial bias and confronting discrimination. An overview of related Human Resources policies and practices will be given to support employees in actively dismantling racism within Mass General Brigham.

Please discuss your thoughts here.


everyone at every level of an institution must support courage culture and BIPOC are often not afforded this opportunity, often due to fear.

Teodolinda Pique replied on

Good course

Stanley Ashley replied on

Learned something

Stanley Ashley replied on

great course

Jessica Allegretti replied on

The various scenarios showing perspectives from individuals with different experiences makes one realize the importance of continuing to engage, truly listen, learn from, and be respectful of each other to make the work environment more inclusive, fair and equitable for every person.

Jeffrey Clark replied on

The various scenarios showing perspectives from individuals with different experiences makes one realize the importance of continuing to engage, truly listen, learn from, and be respectful of each other to make the work environment more inclusive, fair and equitable for every person.

Jeffrey Clark replied on

I agree with all comments above, we work to share decision work and help patients in treatment, we don't come to work to racism 

Almas Tamouni replied on

Great videos

Yasmin Aghajan replied on

It was like a movie of what would happen if certain things were done. it's like having multiple chances to one event in your life, and you can have different approaches to help you react better

Krystal Titong replied on


Justin Savage replied on

no comment

Elizabeth Davison replied on

good program

Elizabeth Davison replied on

good program

Elizabeth Davison replied on

good program

Elizabeth Davison replied on

good program

Elizabeth Davison replied on

no comment

Elizabeth Davison replied on

no comment

Elizabeth Davison replied on

no comment

Elizabeth Davison replied on

Very interactive and it was great to be able to play different roles. 

Nadia Mancia replied on

Helpful class with realistic scenarios.

Catherine Lachapelle replied on


Marissa Ziniti replied on

I enjoyed seeing all the different perspectives throughout different disciplines. 

Rachel Fournier replied on

Generally thoughts provoking especially in regards to how often non-professional staff are invisible, and asked to stay that way, within healthcare settings. 

Suzanne Bird replied on

Well done


Bennett Shamsai replied on

Well Done

Bennett Shamsai replied on

Good training.

Samuel Sanchez replied on

the material was presented very well

Anna, Chicoine replied on

well done

Vatche Minassian replied on

The videos were well put together and evoked raw emotions. It is important to remember the value of speaking up even if it feels uncomfortable.

Katherine Humphrey replied on

Presentations such as these, allow for all of us to see how others are treated, both respectfully and disrespectfully. I found the course to be informative and an appropriate reminder for us to come back to these scenarios often. We can easily disregard the thoughts and feelings of others when we become so engrossed in our work day. Having the opportunity to try different scenarios allows for us to see other's perspectives and possible responses, which is certainly not an opportunity we have in daily life.

Alicia Kissinger-Knox replied on


Yu-Jyun Huang replied on


Yu-Jyun Huang replied on

Very good course!

Peiyun Ni replied on

This course provides a variety of realistic examples and is very applicable to employees on any end.

Tony Levy replied on

thank you!

Arianne Kourosh replied on

thank you!

Arianne Kourosh replied on

good for individual and institutional biases

Jennifer,P.A.-C. Wolf replied on
