This bystander education course will provide employees with an understanding of how interpersonal racism continues to support and maintain systemic racism. Through scenario-based learning, participants will develop skills for recognizing racial bias and confronting discrimination. An overview of related Human Resources policies and practices will be given to support employees in actively dismantling racism within Mass General Brigham.

Please discuss your thoughts here.


Well designed course

Mark Garret replied on

It would be nice if MGB collected more data from employees about our experiences

Alexander Dunham replied on

I agree

Caroline Banks replied on

I've learned a lot. Thanks for putting these together!

Zi Chen replied on

This was very effective and informative. It should be acknowledged more. 

Christina Kc replied on

Very helpful and informative

Victoria Fruzzetti replied on

The "choose your own adventure" format was a great way to see the outcomes of various decisions.

Kristin Hung replied on


Lisa Marchand replied on

Thank you for this important, helpful learning opportunity. 

Clorinda Cottrell replied on


Stephanie Jabouin replied on


Melanie Powers replied on

i like the examples they showed, very relatable and engaging.

Kimberly Sergile replied on

The course put a lot of emphasis on how good intentions can often have the opposite effect if your actions aren't informed by the words and thoughts of your fellow employees. Well done.

Sean Vigeant replied on

CONTENT WAS very well put together. It should be a template for all organization in the country! real life scenario and real life pragmatic ways to combat racism

Carmen Monthe-Dreze replied on

Thank you.

Mark Fleming replied on

Content was very well put together. thank you. This training should serve as template for all organizations in this country. Real life scenario with pragmatic examples on how to combat racism in the work place.

Carmen Monthe-Dreze replied on

Content was very well put together. thank you. This training should serve as template for all organizations in this country. Real life scenario with pragmatic examples on how to combat racism in the work place.

Carmen Monthe-Dreze replied on

I agree

Paula Claflin replied on

It is nice to see some of these behaviors that I have experienced addressed in a learning environment.

Ebony Forand replied on

It is nice to see some of these behaviors that I have experienced addressed in a learning environment.

Ebony Forand replied on

It is nice to see some of these behaviors that I have experienced addressed in a learning environment.

Ebony Forand replied on

I agree. Scenarios were engaging and easy to follow. 

Atul Shinagare replied on

Great content that highlights different scenarios and provided the best way to manage these situations!

Sarah Chu replied on

This was a very though provoking and excellently done video. 

Samantha Brandl replied on

I agree!

Liangju Kuang replied on

Great format, very helpful and informative.  The scenarios portray the most optimal ending to each story which is very encouraging.  May be helpful to include a character who has difficulty accepting the concepts here, to address their point of view, and to propose solutions if things don't end well after going to HR or talking to the supervisor.



Josephine Lok replied on

The overall documentation was good, but I would like to see more different scenario because more of the racism from experience come from PT or family members to staff. 

Wankyse Jocelyn Revolus replied on

no Comment 

Harry Williams replied on

no comment

Harry Williams replied on

no comment

Harry Williams replied on

no comment

Harry Williams replied on

No Comment

Harry Williams replied on

This is a great resource to engage in scenarios to help understand and end racism

Kayli Mathews replied on

The video brings an opportunity for reflection even for those people of color interacting with other people of color 

Shakera Bailey replied on

The training was helpful to show that racism is uncomfortable and affect all parties including non people of color. Overall we can all do a better job in trying to mitigate problems when it comes to racism in the workplace. 

Sydaya Tompkins replied on

Very well done in terms of how it encourages the viewer to assume different perspectives. I especially appreciated the scenario about the new hire scenario because it acknowledged that complexity of the situation- the doctor was initially oblivious to how his preference for hiring the son of his friend was causing him to overlook a candidate who had truly earned the promotion, but he was able to listen, reflect, and shift his perspective. It's not like this was a situation where the candidate was hired because he was Black, but because he was the obvious and best choice based on his skills and experience. However, the more diverse our workforce is from top to bottom, the better we are able to serve people from all walks of life with compassion, care, and respect for their unique life experiences. 

Orielle Rollinson replied on

I agree

Megan Vasquez replied on

I agree

Megan Vasquez replied on

I agree

Sheila Regan replied on

The video scenarios made the content more interactive.

James Sixkiller replied on
