This bystander education course will provide employees with an understanding of how interpersonal racism continues to support and maintain systemic racism. Through scenario-based learning, participants will develop skills for recognizing racial bias and confronting discrimination. An overview of related Human Resources policies and practices will be given to support employees in actively dismantling racism within Mass General Brigham.

Please discuss your thoughts here.


I agree

Ridwan Rashid replied on

I agree

Anthony Sardak replied on

The content was current and very helpful.

Elizabeth Kerigan replied on

I agree with this. The content made you feel hands on with these situations and the 4 viewpoints were helpful;

Derek O'Leary replied on

I agree! I believe they did a great job with portraying how racism can create an uncomfortable work environment

Daivelyn Manzano Medina replied on

I agree. 

Heather Roche replied on

I agree, this is such an important topic that needs to be addressed more. 

Emily Sy replied on

I agree!

Robert Landergan replied on

I agree it was engaging content and fairly realistic to how it may play out in real life. 

Sydney Clary replied on

I agree.

Lauren Gaudette replied on

I agree

Aalekh Mehta replied on

The course was very informative and gave a ton of ways to counteract racism in a professional workspace.

Neylanie Lobo Gomes replied on

I agree!

Ashley Herrera Dolores replied on

I agree, the content was very comprehensive. 

Adhithri Rajaragupathi replied on

I Agree!

Ashley Barrett replied on

I totally agree, it was great seeing multiple perspectives and how different scenarios could play out

Gabriela Katz replied on


Aneesha Garg replied on

I agree. 

Holly Pereira replied on

I Agree

Estela Lectora De Armas replied on

I agree, this presentation was very informative and I liked that it was interactive. Very well put together!

Morgan Genatossio replied on

I agree!!

Erica Barbay replied on

I agree

Briana Herrera replied on

It was important to see the trick down effect and to visualize how racism occurs on different levels within an establishment, no matter how esteemed. 

Layan Busafar replied on

I agree

Flora Fu replied on

I agree.

Irlaine Trent replied on

I agree!

Victoria Fernandez replied on

content was extremely thorough and well explained

Caitlin Voisine replied on

Totally agree. I thought this training was really well put together. I appreciated the interactive elements.

Meredith Keane replied on

Same here! I thought that including a variety of perspectives gave us more insight into people's thought processes. Being more aware of how others are acting helps us to become more aware of our own actions.

Lauren Chung replied on

Very well put together. Thought provoking. 

Annmarie Costello replied on

Agreed, thought the information was presented in a very interactive way

Olivia Kane replied on

Agreed! I like that there is an interactive element in the course as it keeps the audience engaged.

Priyanca Waghmarae replied on


Bella Hamilton replied on


Amy O'Malley replied on


Jianren Mao replied on

content was extremely thorough and well explained

Dana Wendt-Vermilya replied on


Jannelle Youngblood replied on

I felt exactly the same way, very well put together

Aalekh Mehta replied on

I agree and now see how this should become more easily practiced while working in terms of not being afraid to speak up.

Amy Hilsenbeck replied on


Jannelle Youngblood replied on


Jianren Mao replied on
